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PREPARED - Marie Skłodowksa Curie Fellowship Programme 2025 Centre for Disability Law and Policy (CDLP) Ref. No. University of Galway 001-25

PREPARED is an innovative postdoctoral fellowship programme co-ordinated by the University of Galway and will involve one other university and a non-academic Research Institute (Implementing Partners): Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas Universidade de Lisboa (ISCSP) and Schweizer Paraplegiker-Forschung AG (SPF).The programme is co-funded by Wellspring Foundation, the Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas Universidade de Lisboa (ISCSP), the Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions programme and the University of Galway.  


PREPARED postdoctoral fellows will be provided with the highest quality research environment and a training programme where they will develop disability-inclusive responses to the most urgent global crises of our time. 


PREPARED will recruit six postdoctoral fellows, each with 36-month employment contracts, providing an unparalleled opportunity for Postdoctoral Researchers at the cutting edge of disability rights research. PREPARED focuses on the most urgent challenges and crises facing disabled people globally and aims to find evidence-based responses and research informed by the lived experiences of disabled people to address these critical issues. We are seeking postdoctoral fellows who can bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to their research. This can include research from any disciplinary background whose work relates to or draws on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 


Applications are invited from suitable candidates for six, full-time, fixed term Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral Fellows (Fellows) across the employing organisations. Up to three fellowships may be awarded on the 1st Call.  


PREPARED Fellowships are open to applicants of any nationality who have a PhD degree and comply with the programme’s eligibility criteria and mobility rules including disabled researchers and Researchers at Risk (those displaced by conflict or whose situation makes it difficult to pursue research careers are also encouraged to apply. All candidates must discuss their research idea and proposal and seek the support of an eligible PREPARED supervisor for their application.  


Fellowships will be based in Ireland, Portugal and Switzerland where fellows will be hosted by their PREPARED supervisor’s host institution.  


The programme aims to provide exceptional training and career development opportunities to postdoctoral researchers, fostering international mobility, intersectoral collaboration, and interdisciplinary exposure.  

Further information can be found in the Guide for Applicants to PREPARED at    


This project has received co-funding from University of Galway, Wellspring Foundation,  Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas Universidade de Lisboa (ISCSP) and Horizon Europe’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Grant Agreement No: 101179497 and runs from 1st January 2025 to contract end date of 31st December 2029. 


Essential Criteria:  

As per the MSCA definition:  

  • PREPARED is open to applicants who have a PhD degree at the call deadline. Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but have not formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered eligible to apply if the successful defence takes place before the call deadline.  
  • Applicants must comply with the MSCA mobility rule: have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline. Compulsory national service and short stays such as holidays are not considered.  
  • Applicants must have a working proficiency in English or be fluent in English. Applicants whose first language is not English may be required to provide evidence of their English proficiency.  


Please note:  

  • PREPARED Fellowships are open to candidates of any nationality. Please see Employment Permits - University of Galway, Employment permits -  Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas Universidade de Lisboa (ISCSP) and Employment permits - Schweizer Paraplegiker-Forschung AG (SPF) for further information.  


Gross Salary:  

Remuneration is in line with EC rules for Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND grants.  


Level 1: €53,505 gross salary* per annum (excluding family allowance) or €58,905 gross salary per annum (if conditions for family allowance are met).  


*Gross salary is inclusive of a mobility allowance of €7,200 annually payable as part of their gross salary which shall be fixed for 36 months during the fellowship period.  


Salaries are subject to taxes and deductions, e.g., deduction of PRSI (employee social security), and income taxes. For more information about tax entitlements, please go to 


Training and Career Development  

Fellows are encouraged to avail of training and development opportunities to support their career development plans. All fellowships will include a secondment period. Fellows will have the flexibility to select a secondment with the non-academic or academic sector to suit their research and career development. Researchers are encouraged to engage with our Researcher Development Centre (RDC) upon employment. The RDC is an initiative of the offices of the VPR and Graduate Studies to support the continuing professional development of all our researchers at University of Galway.  


For information on moving to Ireland, please see 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion  


The PREPARED project is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion on all grounds. 


In seeking to attract top global talent to this research project, we welcome applications from all researchers including disabled researchers, the LGBTQ+ community, cultural and linguistic minorities, members of racial and ethnic minorities including Irish Travellers and the Gypsy, Roma community, first generation academics, and care experienced people, among other marginalised groups. 


The University of Galway is committed to principles of equality and encouraging diversity and inclusion. Several of the participating academic Institutions and Schools are holders of Athena SWAN awards. We celebrate the diversity of our staff and students and work to support an inclusive environment free from discrimination and harassment.  


To Apply 


To Apply: The application process should include an Online application + Administrative Proposal as follows:  

  • Part A: Administrative Proposal: Max 2000 characters  
  • Part B: Research Proposal (max. 10 pages)  
  • Part C: Academic CV: Max 5 pages (With three references)  
  • Part D: Ethics Issues Table and Self-Assessment Form  


Call for Proposals - 


NB: Gárda vetting is a requirement for the posts based in the University of Galway (as appropriate to Child Protection Policy) 


Candidates must develop a project proposal in line with PREPARED Guide for Applicants and submit their complete application via the online application system. The system will remain open for applications until 23:59 (UTC) on the call deadline of Monday 17th March 2025.  


See Guidance Documents, Terms & Conditions at: for more information.  


For informal enquiries, contact the University of Galway programme manager at Please put reference number University of Galway 001-25 in subject line of all queries related to this post. 


Closing date for receipt of applications is 16th April 2025 at 23:59 GMT.  It will not be possible to consider applications received after the closing date. 


We reserve the right to re-advertise or extend the closing date for this post.  


The University of Galway is an equal opportunities employer.  


All positions are recruited via an internationally advertised open call for proposals. The evaluation and selection process will follow an Open, Transparent, Merit (OTM) and Competency-based Recruitment process and will include an international peer review followed by an interview stage. 


Closing Date: Thursday, 17 Apr 2025

Application: UoG 001-25 Job Descrption

Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Continuous epilepsy monitoring using low power sensors and embedded Machine Learning at the Discipline of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Application(s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time funded PhD scholarship(s) starting in September 2025 or sooner affiliated to the Discipline of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the University of Galway.

University of Galway

Located in the vibrant cultural city of Galway in the west of Ireland, the University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence

For information on moving to Ireland please see

Detailed Project Description: Wearable technologies embedded with multiple intelligent sensors have reached an important cusp where various human factors such as portability, wearability and longer battery life are approaching utility for continuous real-time monitoring in early disease detection and diagnosis, such as epilepsy. The lack of portability and long-term wearability of current commercial wearable devices, as well as their high energy consumption, make it unsuitable and uncomfortable for continuous ambulatory monitoring. The project aims to design high performance ultra-low power analogue front end (AFE) system combined with edge computing ML algorithms that can sense, analyse, process and autonomously act to detect incipient events such as epileptic seizures. It is anticipated that the by the end of the project, the design will be validated through pilot clinical trials.

This project will be undertaken as a 4-year structured PhD programme at the University of Galway, which will involve the completion of 30 ECTS credits of level 9 taught courses. Every PhD student, in addition to a supervisor, has their own Graduate Research Committee (GRC) of three academic staff members. The formal role of the GRC is to review the student’s progress annually and to make a recommendation to the College on progression into the next year of the programme.

Living allowance (Stipend): The work is supported and funded for a duration of four years by the College of Science & Engineering, University of Galway. The annual stipend is €25,000 and the tuition fees (EU/Non-EU) are waived in full.

University fees: The university fees for 2024/2025 are €5,750 per annum for EU students and €15,000 per annum for Non-EU students. Additionally, there is a student levy of €140 per annum, which is mandatory for all students to pay.

Start date: September 2025 or sooner

Academic Entry Requirements:

  • Bachelor's/Master’s degree in electronic engineering.
  • Excellent hands-on experience in PCB prototyping using EAGLE/KiCAD.
  • Experience with test measurement equipment, including Power Supplies, Oscilloscope, Signal Generators, DAQ, etc.
  • Proficiency in circuit simulation tools such as LTSpice (preferred)/TINA/Multisim.
  • Knowledge of low-power biopotential amplifier design and energy harvesting techniques is preferred.
  • Candidates with machine learning skills, particularly in embedded ML, is desired.
  • Willingness to work on both bioelectronic circuits and embedded ML integration.
  • Proficiency in computer programming languages such as Python and C++.
  • Experience in peer-reviewed conference/journal publications will be preferred.

To Apply for the Scholarship:

Interested candidates should use the Google Form (LINK) to submit the following required documents. Please note that no email submissions will be accepted.

  • CV
  • Cover Letter detailing how your skills are aligned for this role
  • A statement of personal research interests detailing - rationale to pursue higher degree by research (PhD), and attributes that demonstrate their capability to be a good researcher, e.g. motivation (500 words maximum)
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Contact information for two references

Informal queries regarding the role should be directed to Dr. Soumyajyoti Maji at

Contact Name: Dr. Soumyajyoti Maji

Contact Email:

Application Deadline: 14/04/2025 and time 11:00A.M. (Irish time 24hr format)

Primary Supervisor name: Dr. Soumyajyoti Maji

Closing Date: Monday, 14 Apr 2025

Application: PhD GSO 003-25 Continuous epilepsy monitoring using low power sensors and

Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in RNA-Based Molecular Machines and Computation.

Application(s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time funded PhD scholarship(s) starting in September 25 affiliated to the School of Computer Science, College of Science and Engineering at the University of Galway.

University of Galway

Located in the vibrant cultural city of Galway in the west of Ireland, the University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence

For information on moving to Ireland please see

Detailed Project Description

At its core, life is computation. Every cell is an intricate molecular processor, receiving inputs, modifying internal states, and producing outputs in a continuous, dynamic dialogue with its environment. But unlike silicon-based computers, biological computation does not rely on rigid logic gates or binary circuits. Instead, it is fluid, emergent, and deeply entangled with the materiality of molecules themselves. This project explores RNA not merely as an information carrier but as an active computational substrate—a material capable of self-assembly, transformation, and information processing. We aim to engineer RNA-based supramolecular machines, molecular constructs that interact via oligonucleotide exchange, forming programmable networks that process inputs, compute transitions, and reconfigure in response to molecular signals.

Living allowance (Stipend): €25,000 per annum, [tax-exempt scholarship award]

University fees: Fees are paid on behalf of the PhD candidate.

Start date: September 2025

To Apply for the Scholarship:

Interested candidates should send an email to with (1) A CV detailing academic background, relevant experience, and publications (if any), (2) A short research statement (max. 1 page), and (3) Any additional supporting materials (e.g., code, project reports, preprints) that highlight your relevant expertise in biological computing or related areas.

Application Deadline: March 31st, 2025, at [23:59] (Irish time 24hr format)

Supervisors: Dr. Effirul Ramlan, and Dr. Andrew Flaus

Closing Date: Monday, 31 Mar 2025

Application: PhD GSO 004-25 RNA-Based Molecular Machines and Computation.

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